Annual Essential Safety Measures Reports (AESMRs)

The Annual Essential Safety Measures Report (AESMR) is an annual legal requirement and is used to confirm that the owner has taken all reasonable steps to ensure that each Essential Safety Measure is operating at the required level of performance and has been maintained as required.​

This report has a specific format as prescribed by the Victorian Building Authority and must include all Essential Safety Measures items as listed on the building’s Occupancy Permit or Maintenance Schedule. Our assessment process provides occupants and stakeholders with the peace of mind that competent assessment has been carried out by qualified and experienced auditors and that the building’s systems will perform /operate as intended.

ESM Compliance can prepare and issue a signed Annual Essential Safety Measures Report (AESMR) to be kept on your premises for review by the Chief Officer or Municipal Building Surveyor upon request. ESM Compliance have an enviable reputation out in the field; providing comprehensive, high quality and user friendly AESMR audit reports for a vast portfolio of properties including government sectors, commercial, industrial and residential properties located throughout Australia.